PDFs (okay, it’s the same in Turkish so that’s cheating…)

Okay, okay… I promise this is the last post about my swanky planner.  I’m obviously super proud of myself for this slightly mundane accomplishment and I appreciate your patience with my yapping about it.

Clearly I’ve been making fun use out of my planner — mostly enjoying sitting at Starbucks with the pup while organizing thoughts — but the real test will be whether I continue to use it beyond the next few weeks while it’s still shiny and new.

Pups helping get things organized at Starbucks

What I’m loving is the way I’ve broken everything down:

There are full month calendars from now until December 2013,

Month-at-a-glance pages to use for any big events or to dos of the upcoming month,

A page for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. with each month getting it’s own box,

Meal planning pages (which I am cheating and just printed without adding to my planner so I can make them messy and possibly give up on meal planning within a few weeks),

And of course each week is broken down into daily spots for to do lists and keep track of water/work outs which I think is pretty cool,

Weekly plans being made. Starbucks run? Check!

But the part I really love is the break down for the blog planner.

See all those boxes?!

I searched all over the interwebs and found a few that I liked (oh, Pinterest, how you occupy my time!), but none that covered everything I wanted to have.  So I broke down each post into sections to make lists of links, photos, tags, etc. to use for each posting.  At the end of each week I also have a section dedicated to “stats” which is mostly so I remember that this blog is for fun and not a business plan, and also so that when I compare my stats it is to my own and not to others who are using blogs for business and such.  The stats section also helps me remember to follow up on comments and new followers (which are always fun!).

So I think I’ve finally figured out how to make this work.  If you’re interested and want to use any part of this planner, I’ve posted all my pdf files here.  Now when you go to print these, I assume you’ll either be using your own printer or the services of a Kinkos-esque establishment.  Which might be easier as you’ll want to make sure you print them half pages or as “booklet” (except the weekly planner and blog planner) and then sit down to figure out which pages you want double sided with each other.  I went for the blog planner and weekly planners together and it worked out well, everything else is just month by month with month-at-a-glance on the backs.

It wouldn’t be a Turkification posting if there wasn’t a bit of a language barrier issue, right?  Right.  Well, at the printer we had some issues with getting the margins right because I had fudged with them a bit (more space in the middle to allow for center binding).  When we went to print and the kid asked me if I wanted it printed “fit mi? normal mı?” I should have said “normal”, but I didn’t quite understand the question — I know!  The problem is when I’m expecting Turkish and the words are English I just get confused and can’t figure it out sometimes… usually… okay, pretty much every time — and I said “fit”.  Which is not what you want.  Or wasn’t what I wanted anyway.  Luckily, in Turkey when something is being done all five guys working in the shop will cluster around the computer/printer/binding machine to ensure it works out perfectly.  And it did.  [Seriously though, this is a phenomenon I’ve only experienced in Turkey… and it’s everywhere, but my favorite is at the salon.  It’s a whole posting — or many — on it’s own, but suffice it to say I’ve never been to a salon in Turkey and had only one person working on my hair.  Ever.]

Enjoy and let me know if you have questions or requests!

And another one of the pups, because she’s just so stinking cute.

Çok kullanışlı (adv.: very) (adj.: useful, helplful, practical)… or I’ve got mad skills when it comes to making a planner

I did it.  I took my cd full of pdf files to be printed and made myself a planner.  A super useful and awesome planner.  Of course, it took multiple stops and a bit of confusion… but it happened.

Made specifically for blog ideas!

First, I took all my files and made them into pdfs because I figured the print shops wouldn’t have Macs (I was right).  Then, I hiked up to the bus stop to take my cd to Kızılay which is a neighborhood I knew had both printing places and a Starbucks to sit at while they were printing because I foolishly thought I would just hand my cd over and then kick back and relax.  Instead, I had to try to explain that I was making a book out of the files and wanted a certain number of copies of each and that I wanted some to be back and front and some to be printed half-sized, but no — not to fit (which is one of those words that is the same in Turkish, but obviously pronounced with a Turkish accent which always confuses me and takes me forever to figure out what is being said and then I feel like an idiot when I realize the word is an English word) — because I’ve messed with margins…

… This is probably a good time to remind you that I’m not really all that good with this vocabulary when put on the spot in English.  So in Turkish it must have been horribly painful for the girl behind the counter.

Not only did I not get to go hang out at Starbucks while they did all the work, but their printer ended up being broken and missing some sort of flash (I didn’t get it in Turkish and when I looked it up in English it still didn’t make sense — see above re: lack of technological vocabulary) so the colors looked terrible.  So I gave up.  I went to Starbucks and had a latte to soothe my bruised ego — the girl was a bit of a snot about my lack of technological vocabulary and, apparently, “creative” labeling of files.  After Starbucks, I got on the bus and figured I’d let it go.  I could always repurpose another planner and use fun colored pens to make it work.  The thought of going to an office supply store cheered my mood so much that I missed my bus stop.

Which turned out to be a blessing in disguise since the next one put me in front of a supply/print store.  I went in hopeful to find a fun planner (ajenda in Turkish).  As I was explaining it to the kid at the store — he’s probably my age, but looked about 10 — I mentioned that I made one, but the files didn’t print the way I wanted and so I was looking for something specific.  He asked to see the files and then if we could try printing.  I said of course, but didn’t have high hopes.  Then he opened up PhotoShop and I knew he was my new favorite person.  Ever.  Or at least the for next hour he spent printing and scheming to make what I now refer to as my awesome planner.  I love it.  And I think it will be çok kullanışlı.

Isn’t this cool, albeit a bit blurry? I got it as a free printable from: http://idea-obscura.tumblr.com/post/2409119224/ive-been-thinking-of-doing-this-for-a-while-now

There’s more, of course, but I’m going to wait until I figure out how to post the pdfs for you all before I spoil all the coolness of the planner.  Send me a note if you just can’t wait and want me to email you pdfs (or Pages documents that are easier to manipulate)!  And until then consider how big of a geek I am that I’ve now spent almost 20% of my postings talking about this project.