Ankara’dakiler dikkat: Amaçlı Yoga! (Attention Ankara Peeps: Yoga for a Cause!)

santa yoga

image borrowed from the good folks at yoga dork. check them out:

Excuse the shameless promotion, but hey!  Almost free yoga?  And for a good cause?  You know you want to know about this…

Live in Ankara? Want some *free* yoga? Join us this Saturday (Dec 8th) from 9:30 to 10:30 for yoga (in English!).  Bring that stack of things you’ve been meaning to donate — warm clothes, blankets, & diapers are especially appreciated right now! — but any gently used items will be graciously accepted in exchange for a lighthearted, fun work out to flow through and sweat away your holiday tensions. We’ll end with some relaxation, and tea or cocoa. Donations will be distributed among the refugees of all nationalities and all religious denominations during weekly distributions in Ankara and Kirikkale.

Interested? Send me a note for details!